Tue, 03. Mar 2020 Surminski, Sebastian
Bachelor Seminar in the Summer Term 2020
In the summer term, we offer a bachelor seminar on Vulnerability Detection and Analysis.
read onMon, 16. Dec 2019 Davi, Lucas
TEE Presentation at INRIA Institute in Rennes, France
A trusted execution environment introduces a hardware-based protection environment for programm code and data. The TEE ensures that neither malicious code nor a compromised operating system can access code and data contained in...
read onThu, 12. Dec 2019 Rodler, Michael
Re-Entrancy Detection up to Block 8 Million with Sereum
After publishing our Paper on "Sereum: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks" at NDSS 2019 we continued running experiments to identify new potential attacks happening in recent blocks of the Ethereum...
read onTue, 24. Sept 2019 Davi, Lucas
Prof. Davi joins Editorial Board of ACM TOPS
Lucas Davi joins as Associate Editor the Editorial Board of the renowned ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS). ACM TOPS publishes high-quality research results in the fields of information and system security and...
read onTue, 24. Sept 2019 Surminski, Sebastian
Bachelor Seminars in the Winter Term 2019/2020
In the winter term, we offer two bachelor seminars with the topics Malware Analysis and Vulnerability Detection and Analysis.
read onFri, 28. Jun 2019 Davi, Lucas
Run-Time Attack Tutorial in Sibenik, Croatia
Why software errors can undermine crypto algorithms? Tutorial at the Real-World Crypto and Privacy Summer School in Sibenik, Croatia.
read onMon, 08. Apr 2019 Surminski, Sebastian
Presentation of Sereum at the NDSS Symposium
Michael Rodler presented Sereum, a new method to protect smart contracts, at the NDSS Symposium in San Diego, CA.
read onSun, 03. Mar 2019 Surminski, Sebastian
Best Poster Award: Automated Evaluation of Fuzzers
The poster about the automated evaluation of fuzzers by Sebastian Surminski, Michael Rodler, and Lucas Davi received the distinguished technical poster award on the NDSS Symposium 2019.
read onWed, 06. Feb 2019 Surminski, Sebastian
Poster Accepted: Automated Evaluation of Fuzzers
On the NDSS Symposium in February in San Diego, CA, we will present our new framework for automated evaluation of fuzzers.
read onTue, 05. Feb 2019 Surminski, Sebastian
New Research Assistant
In February David Paaßen joined the group of Prof. Lucas Davi.
read onTue, 18. Dec 2018 Kremer, Birgit
New Security Technology Protects Deployed Smart Contracts
Since smart contracts can autonomously transfer values and rights on a blockchain, they are an attractive target for cyberattacks. Our working group has developed a solution for protecting smart contracts in cooperation with NEC...
read onSat, 20. Oct 2018
Novel attack techniques against Intel SGX security technology
The Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) are designed to protect sensitive data and program code from misuse. In collaboration with University of Padova, Italy and TU Darmstadt, Germany, we show the danger of zero-day...
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