Fri., 06. Sep. 2024 Davi, Lucas
Seminar and Bachelor Project Winter Term 24/25
Hot Topics in Computer Security
read onTue., 06. Feb. 2024 Birgit Kremer
New paluno Directorate Elected
In yesterday's meeting of the paluno board, Prof. Dr. Lucas Davi was appointed as the new director. of the institute. Prof. Dr. Amr Rizk and Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele have been appointed as vice directors.
read onTue., 26. Sep. 2023 Draissi, Oussama
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2023/2024
Im kommenden Semester wird unsere Arbeitsgruppe verschiedene Veranstaltungen in den Bachelor und Master Studiengängen anbieten. Im Bachelor bieten wir die neue Vorlesung, Application Management an. Diese Vorlesung wird die...
read onMon., 18. Sep. 2023 Cloosters, Tobias
CSAW'23: Two finalist papers
Two papers of our chair advanced to the final round of the NYU Tandon College of Engineering's annual Cyber Security Awareness Week Applied Research Competition. The two works were admitted to the selection of ten finalists: R...
read onSat., 02. Sep. 2023 Draissi, Oussama
New publication in ACM CCS: FuzzDelSol uncovers security vulnerabilities in Solana programs.
In the upcoming November, we will present our research paper Fuzz on the Beach: Fuzzing Solana Smart Contracts at the prestigious ACM CCS conference. This work introduces FuzzDelSol, the first fuzzing architecture for Solana Smart...
read onWed., 22. Mar. 2023 Davi, Lucas
Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2023
Im kommenden Semester wird unsere Arbeitsgruppe verschiedene Veranstaltungen in den Bachelor und Master Studiengängen anbieten. Im Bachelor Pflichtbereich werden die Vorlesungen Cybersicherheit und Concurrency angeboten. Dabei ist...
read onThu., 02. Mar. 2023
New Security Solution for Smart Speakers
Smart speakers like Amazon Alexa can be controlled by users via voice commands and are very popular. However, these devices have to listen all the time via microphone whether they are being addressed. And how can you be sure that...
read onTue., 15. Nov. 2022
Preisverleihung des 9. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitspreis 2022
Am vergangenen Donnerstag, 10. November 2022, fand die Preisverleihung des alle zwei Jahre verliehenen deutschen IT Sicherheitspreises statt. Mit unserer Einreichung "CoCoS: Secure Development of Smart Contracts" gehören wir zu...
read onThu., 03. Nov. 2022
Presentation at RAID 2022
The 25th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2022) was held in Limassol, Cyprus on 26-28 October. Tobias Cloosters presented RiscyROP: Automated Return-Oriented Programming Attacks on...
read onThu., 27. Oct. 2022 Surminski, Sebastian
Talks and Tutorials at IEEE SecDev
Researchers of the chair presented their work on secure video streaming and a tutorial on smart contracts at the IEEE SecDev conference in Atlanta.
read onThu., 22. Sep. 2022 Davi, Lucas
Lehre im Wintersemester 2022/2023
Im nächsten Semester findet unsere Master Vorlesung Secure Software Systems und unsere Bachelor-Wahlpflichtvorlesung Reverse-Engineering Software Systems statt. Im Master Bereich wird auch eine Projektgruppe von uns betreut, die...
read onThu., 22. Sep. 2022 Kremer, Birgit
ERC Starting Grant
Prof. Lucas Davi receives an ERC Starting Grant over 1.5 million euros. The project will develop a solution that holistically protects smart contracts from various attacks.
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