System Security

Welcome to the Homepage for Research in System Security

Our group started its activities at UDE from 1st December 2016. We conduct research in the area of system and software security. Our research areas include smart contract security, trusted computing, embedded security, vulnerability discovery, and hardware-based software security. More information on current research projects can be found on our research page.

Since summer term 2017, our group offers courses in the area of system and software security. More information on lectures as well as open bachelor and master theses can be found on our teaching page.

Current Announcements

 Thu, 27. Oct 2022   Surminski, Sebastian

Talks and Tutorials at IEEE SecDev

Researchers of the chair presented their work on secure video streaming and a tutorial on smart contracts at the IEEE SecDev conference in Atlanta.
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 Thu, 22. Sept 2022   Davi, Lucas

Lehre im Wintersemester 2022/2023

Im nächsten Semester findet unsere Master Vorlesung Secure Software Systems und unsere Bachelor-Wahlpflichtvorlesung Reverse-Engineering Software Systems statt. Im Master Bereich wird auch eine Projektgruppe von uns betreut, die...
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 Thu, 22. Sept 2022   Kremer, Birgit

ERC Starting Grant

Prof. Lucas Davi receives an ERC Starting Grant over 1.5 million euros. The project will develop a solution that holistically protects smart contracts from various attacks.
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 Fri, 15. Jul 2022

Blockchain-Security Summer School

Copyright: CASA, Fabian Riedinger
Was sind Smart Contracts? Welche Fehler und Sicherheitslücken können in Smart Contracts auftreten? Sind diese Lücken gefährlich und wie kann man diese Lücken vermeiden? Diesen Fragenstellungen sind wir mit unserer Arbeitsgruppe in...
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 Thu, 14. Jul 2022   Birgit Kremer

Security Vulnerabilities in Fingerprint Sensors and Crypto Wallets

Our team and colleagues from the DFG Cluster of Excellence CASA have developed a new technique that, for the first time, enables fuzz testing of protected memory areas in modern processors. Our method revealed many vulnerabilities...
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 Fri, 01. Jul 2022   Surminski, Sebastian

New Research Assistant

In October Oussama Draissi joined the group of Prof. Lucas Davi. Welcome, Oussama!
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 Thu, 23. Jun 2022   Kremer, Birgit

CRC Accepted for 3rd Round: Security for Next-Generation Computing Platforms

Good news for our paluno research group on secure software systems. The German Research foundation DFG accepted the continuation of the collaborative research center CROSSING for another four years. UDE-Professor Lucas Davi is...
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 Mon, 14. Mar 2022   Niesler, Christian

Vorlesung Cybersicherheit im Sommersemester 2022

Die Vorlesung Cybersicherheit (Cybersecurity) bietet einen breiten Einstieg in das Thema der IT-Sicherheit. Es werden grundlegende Konzepte der Kryptographie behandelt, ohne die eine sichere Kommunikation im Internet oder die...
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 Wed, 09. Mar 2022   Surminski, Sebastian

Seminar Embedded Security in Sommersemester 2022

Im Sommersemester findet ein Seminar zum Thema Embedded Security statt. In diesem Seminar werden Grundlagen und Methoden der Sicherheitsanalyse solcher eingebetteten Systeme vermittelt. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Seminars liegt in der...
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 Fri, 17. Dec 2021   Surminski, Sebastian

New Security Solution for Embedded Realtime Systems

Our work on "software-based attestation for realtime systems" was presented in November on the A* conference CCS.
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 Mon, 16. Aug 2021   Paaßen, David

Fuzzing Evaluation Framework Accepted at ESORICS

Our work on the evaluation of fuzzers has been accepted at 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2021. In our paper My Fuzzer Beats Them All! Developing a Framework for Fair Evaluation and Comparison...
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 Tue, 30. Mar 2021   Cloosters, Tobias

Erklärvideo „TeeRex: Sicherheitsscanner für Intel SGX-Enklaven”

Trusted Exceution Environments automatisch nach Schwachstellen absuchen mit TeeRex.
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Currently showing 13 to 24 out of 60