
 Tue, 06. Feb 2024   Birgit Kremer

New paluno Directorate Elected

Neuer Direktor Prof. Davi und seine Stellvertreter
Das neu gewählte Direktorium: Amr Rizk, Lucas Davi und Gregor Schiele (v.l.n.r.)
Teilnehmer der paluno-Vorstandstagung

In yesterday's meeting of the paluno board, Prof. Dr. Lucas Davi was appointed as the new director. of the institute. Prof. Dr. Amr Rizk and Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele have been appointed as vice directors.

Professor Davi, head of the System Security Group, succeeds Professor Pohl, who successfully led the institute since its establishment in 2010. The deputy role will be assumed by Professor Rizk, head of the Communications Networks and Systems Group, and Professor Schiele, head of the Intelligent Embedded Systens Group.

These decisions were made during a two-day board retreat. The entire board thanks Professor Pohl for his longstanding commitment and leadership at paluno. At the same time, the new directorate is wished much success  for the continued success of the institute.

About paluno

paluno - the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology is one of the largest research institutes for software engineering in Germany. With 12 professors and over 100 researchers, paluno conducts excellent applied and fundamental research. paluno investigates and tests principles, methods, and tools for the development of software-based technologies. As significant drivers of digitalization, these technologies are changing our world - the way we work, learn, conduct business, produce, communicate, and travel. The researchers at paluno are committed to ensuring that digitalization succeeds with software-based systems and that the new technologies serve people, are user-friendly, and secure..