

 Fri, 06. Nov. 2020   Cloosters, Tobias

CSAW'20 Best Paper Finalist: TeeRex: Discovery and Exploitation of Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities in SGX Enclaves

Das Paper „TeeRex: Discovery and Exploitation of Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities in SGX Enclaves“ von Tobias Cloosters, Michael Rodler und Lucas Davi wurde von CSAW Europe in die Finalrunde der zehn besten Paper des Jahres 2020...
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 Wed, 14. Oct. 2020   Rodler, Michael

New Technology Fixes Security Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts have made Ethereum the world's second largest crypto currency. However, recent criminal attacks exploited errors in the programmed contracts. Our research group, together with partners from industry, has developed...
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 Thu, 01. Oct. 2020   Surminski, Sebastian

New Research Assistant

In October Christian Niesler joined the group of Prof. Lucas Davi.
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 Tue, 29. Sep. 2020   Surminski, Sebastian

Lectures in the Winter Term 2020/2021

We have two lectures and a project group in the winter term.
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 Wed, 15. Jul. 2020   Rodler, Michael

Danger to Sensitive Data

In the course of our research on Trusted Execution Environments we discovered multiple vulnerabilities in security-critical software running in protected memory areas of modern Intel processors. In the worst-case scenario, harmful...
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 Wed, 20. May. 2020   Surminski, Sebastian

Sicherheitslücke in IP-Webcam gefunden

In der Bachelorarbeit von Lasse Bruns wurde die Sicherheit von IP-Webcams untersucht. IP-Webcams erlauben es dem Benutzer, über das Internet das Kamerabild abzurufen. Hierbei wurde eine Lücke festgestellt, die es erlaubt hat, ein...
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 Fri, 15. May. 2020   Surminski, Sebastian

DFG-Project RAINCOAT started

In order to maintain the increasing chip performance while simultaneously advancing miniaturization, manufactures of modern memory- and processing units are increasingly relying on highly optimized, parallelized...
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 Tue, 03. Mar. 2020   Surminski, Sebastian

Bachelor Seminar in the Summer Term 2020

In the summer term, we offer a bachelor seminar on Vulnerability Detection and Analysis.
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 Mon, 16. Dec. 2019   Davi, Lucas

TEE Presentation at INRIA Institute in Rennes, France

Inria Vortrag von Prof. Lucas Davi
A trusted execution environment introduces a hardware-based protection environment for programm code and data. The TEE ensures that neither malicious code nor a compromised operating system can access code and data contained in...
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 Thu, 12. Dec. 2019   Rodler, Michael

Re-Entrancy Detection up to Block 8 Million with Sereum

After publishing our Paper on  "Sereum: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks" at NDSS 2019 we continued running experiments to identify new potential attacks happening in recent blocks of the Ethereum...
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 Tue, 24. Sep. 2019   Davi, Lucas

Prof. Davi joins Editorial Board of ACM TOPS

Lucas Davi joins as Associate Editor the Editorial Board of the renowned ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS). ACM TOPS publishes high-quality research results in the fields of information and system security and...
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 Tue, 24. Sep. 2019   Surminski, Sebastian

Bachelor Seminars in the Winter Term 2019/2020

In the winter term, we offer two bachelor seminars with the topics Malware Analysis and Vulnerability Detection and Analysis.
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Currently showing 25 to 36 out of 55