Wintersemester 24/25


Seminar Secure Software Systems (Hot Topics in Computer Security)

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lucas Vincenzo Davi
Wintersemester 2024/2025
Einführungsveranstaltung (Kick-Off): 7.10.2024, 10:00
S-GW 009
Veranstaltung im LSF


The seminar in the winter term 24/25 will be on hot topics in computer security based on two recent top security conferences: IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium (IEEE S&P) 2024 and the USENIX Security Symposium 2024. This is a new seminar series which aims at allowing students to explore computer security research presented on top conferences, i.e., taking a deep dive in recent research and gaining insights in the computer security research community.

Please note that this seminar will be in English: students are required to write their seminar work in English and give an oral presentation in English.

There will be 4 mandatory meetings throughout the semester. Every meeting is mandatory; students cannot pass the seminar if they miss any of these meetings. The first meeting is the kick-off meeting on Monday, October 7th at 10 am in S-GW 009. The dates of the three remaining meetings will be fixed in October.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Students join the kick-off meeting on Monday, 7th October at 10am in S-GW 009 (no pre-registration is required).
  2. Until Monday, 14th October EOD students select three sessions of the two conferences. Students provide a ranking preference of the selected sessions and submit their sessions.
  3. Next, the seminar organizers assign one session to each student.
  4. Meeting 2 (end of Oct/start of Nov): students read the papers of their assigned session and pick two papers they would like to choose for their seminar work. During the meeting, they provide a summary of the papers in their sessions and argue their motivation for their selection of the two papers.
  5. Meeting 3 (mid Dec): In the last weeks, the students have clearly understood their papers and read related work. In this meeting, the students present the structure of their seminar work and provide insights on what they learned from the two papers. It is especially required to start a balanced discussion of the research results presented in this paper. All the students engage in a discussion on the papers helping each student to determine the key points which need to be considered in the seminar work.
  6. Meeting 4 (end of Jan): Oral presentation of the seminar work and submission of the seminar work.


Die Studierenden lernen Methoden des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und sind in der Lage eigenständig ein Themengebiet auf Basis von wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen zu erarbeiten. Durch die Seminararbeit lernen die Studierenden ein wissenschaftliches Thema zusammenzufassen sowie wissenschaftliche Publikationen zu systematisieren und bewerten. Die Studierenden üben die Präsentation über ein wissenschaftliches Themengebiet in Form der Abschlusspräsentation.


Unsere Themen richten sich an aktuellen Forschungsthemen der IT-Sicherheit (insbesondere Systemsicherheit). Die besten IT-Sicherheitstagungen (A*-Konferenzen) sind nachfolgend aufgeführt. Über das Uni-Netzwerk können Sie für alle der genannten Konferenzen die wissenschaftliche Artikel (die sogenannten Papers) kostenlos herunterladen und sich die Vortragsvideos anschauen.